Category Archives: Prayer

Wisdom Vs. Folly

Update on Noah:  They found that he has some swallowing issues that are treatable.  Still in the NICU but at least there is a plan now.  Thank you, Jesus!

Update on Lisa:  We are meeting tomorrow to talk.  I’m praying for her to have the words to formulate the right questions and that God would give me wisdom to answer them.

Started a new book today.  Jen Wilkins, “None Like Him”.  Aaron bought it for me as a thank you gift.  I’m excited to begin it.  In the prologue I was struck by two things:

  1.  There must be a balance between the familiar “our Father” and the fact that he is “in heaven”.  It’s awesome that we can come to him as little children and call him “Abba Father/Daddy” but necessary to remember that He is also “in heaven”.  He is so far above us.  He transcends all.
  2. I love that the author compared, side by side, that the “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” with “the fear of man is the beginning of folly”.  Wise or foolish.  We have some great clues in these verses as to how to gain the wisdom and avoid the folly.

Chapter 1, Infinite

1 Kings 8:27, “But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain you; how much less this house that I have built!”

God, you are limitless.  We, as humans are limited.  Help me to extend grace to the limits of others and be reminded of my own limits.  Protect me from the pride that can swell up when I think of myself as limitless.

Psalm 119:96, “I have seen a limit to all perfection, but your commandment is exceedingly broad, “

Thank you that their are no limits to Your perfection and that Your Word is broad enough to cover even the vilest sin.

Isaiah 40:12-13, “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand and marked off the heavens with a span, enclosed the dust of the earth in a measure and weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance?  Who has measured the Spirit of the Lord, or what man shows him his counsel?”

God, You alone did that.  You have measured things exactly as you want them.  Your Spirit is immeasurable and you need not our counsel.

Lord, I am grateful that You are a God that cannot be measured.  You are huge.  You are above all, over all.  And yet, you love us and care for us so perfectly.  Thank you.

Forgive me for those times when I attempt to place limits on Your Will.  You alone get to decide the measures of my life.  I trust You.  You are limitless in Your Power to do with my life what you will.  I am willing.  Help my heart to remember to trust You when I am fretting and trying to manipulate You with my own desires and will.

The boundary that I most likely to attempt to cross is becoming prideful in myself.  I constantly seek to please man which is folly.  Let my only concern today be with pleasing You and fearing You so that Your Wisdom would abound in my life.

Help me to accept the limits of others and extend Your Grace to them as you have so much done that for me.

Show me ways that I have tried to “take measure” of  You.  Help me see how my own limitations can bring You glory.  This is the purpose of my life and the reason I am breathing today.  Show me ways that I have thought of you as having limits on who you are and what you can do.  Praise you for your limitlessness!  And Praise You for your love towards me.





Prayer Day

Lord, today as I read through my usual routine, I didn’t have anything in particular jump out at me,  I know that this is OK and happens.  I thought about continuing on but then decided to take the time to pray and ask you for some things for some people I love:

Starr-  Lord, she is really struggling with the loss of Paul.  Please help her to find Peace in you each day..each moment.  Protect her, provide for her in ways that draw her closer to You.  Help me to be aware of what I can do for her to encourage her.

Sandy-Struggles so much.  Help her Lord with Your Wisdom to know what to do about her job situation.  It’s a mess.  Give her contentment and joy and peace.

Family members who are not yet saved.  Lord, please open their eyes to first see their own need for you.  Some don’t even believe you exist or at least act like that.  Please do whatever it takes to bring them to the knowledge of your Reality and your Truth.  Bud, Joan, Bob, Sheri, Ingrid, Vivien, Bob M.  I’m not sure where Nancy and Kevin stand. Make it clear to them what they need to draw close to You.

Encourage and bless my mom and Sharon.  Thank you for the moms you have given us.

Lisa- Her search is exciting.  Help her to formulate the questions she has and help me to have your answers for her.  I pray that she will come to church this Sunday and to lunch after.  Work in her health, circumstances, etc to bring her.

Use me today, Lord–to be a blessing and an encouragement.

Show me You today.  Help me to seek you and see you.

I love you